Frequently Asked Questions
Please eMail us with any event queries not answered below
Q: What is the Postcode of the Festival?
A: RG9 2HY
Q: Are dogs allowed at the Festival?
A: Yes, on leads please and bring plenty of little bags for the inevitable! Dogs are positively encouraged. We love them, as long as they keep their owners on a lead. 😉 In fact we even have a slightly bonkers dog show on Saturday and Sunday afternoon for you to enter your dogs into if you fancy it. Nothing serious. Best boy, best girl, waggiest tail etc. It's hilarious. The dogs look bemused but the humans love it. I’m sure the dogs do too.
Q: Can I buy tickets from this website?
A: Yes. Please select the Tickets page from the top menu bar. Your day ticket takes you right through to closing time at 11pm
Q: Can I buy tickets on the gate?
A: Yes, with cash or credit/debit card, contactless too​
Q: I bought tickets online but they haven't arrived. Where are they?
A: We don't send out tickets. Your emailed receipt IS your ticket. Please print it and bring it to the event where it will be exchanged for Festival wristbands.
Q: Is there food, drink, music and entertainment at the Festival?
A: Yes, in abundance and variety, to suit most tastes.
​Q: Can I bring a picnic?
A: Picnics are fine. We only ask that you don’t put yourself in the way of through traffic, both cars and pedestrian. There’s a lot of footfall by the river especially, so sit close to the river itself please if you’re going to be there. Especially if you’re a large group. Having said that, we have lovely food and drink on site… 
Q: Do you have a website?
A: Yes!! No really! We have actually been asked this via the Contact Us page on this website . . . .
Q: Is there any transport from town?
A: Hobbs is running their ferry from their yard on Station Road. No charge, but you do need to have proof of payment of your tickets or be prepared to buy a ticket before boarding.
Q: Do Blue Badge holders get concessions?
A: Blue badge holders need a ticket, but carers come free - you will need to book a blue badge carers pass for them when booking your own ticket. The volunteers on the gate will direct you to our blue badge parking when you arrive.
Q: Access to Alaska - what's it like?
A: Access from the pontoon involves a gap of some 6 inches and stepping over an 11 inch threshold. There are railings either side to hold onto and we have crew to assist. We can also heel the boat so one steps down rather than up if appropriate. We regularly embark elderly and infirm passengers. There is seating on the boiler casing immediately on boarding. There is further seating in the well deck which is accessed via 2 steps with deep treads and a non slip surface and hand holds to either side.
Q: How do I email the TTBF?
A: Please address your queries to admin@tradboatfestival.com​