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the team 

Judy, Lady MacAlpine

Judy, Lady MacAlpine

Co Chair

Lady McAlpine was asked to ‘rescue’ the rally for 2015. The event you see today is borne out of her considerable experience and extraordinary energy. Her background is event organising, restoring old buildings and racing classic sports and racing cars.

After nine years of the Thames Traditional Boat Festival she continues to consciously steer clear of learning too much about boats, but being an artist with an engineer’s brain, is passionate that beautiful classic boats and the skills that created them should be preserved and passed on to the next generation.

Paul Owen OBE

Paul Owen OBE


Paul has been British Canoeing’s top man for over 23-years. In 1992 he was appointed CEO of the British Canoe Union having volunteered for the sport for 17 years. A hugely influential figure in almost every aspect of British canoeing, he has also taken an active behind-the-scenes role as consultant and advisor for the International Canoe Federation.

A very welcome addition to the TTBF team, Paul joined us as a volunteer in the HQ tent last year and busied himself counting the takings! We soon discovered his many other fields of expertise which he generously offered to bring the Trad. How could we refuse?!

Jon Casey

Jon Casey

Waterspace Manager

Jon took on the Waterspace job from Cliff Colborne last year and has made it his own! 2024 was something of a baptism though not of fire! Heavy rainfall in the month preceding the Festival meant tricky conditions during set-up week. This combined with an ankle injury deterred him not, and with assistance from his wife Emma, the moorings plan went without a hitch. Jon's dual passions in life are boats and bikes. A keen sailor for decades on inland and coastal waters, he is also a motorcyclist experienced in class British bikes, on- and off-road riding. Owner of 'Shiel Water', an electric-powered Thames launch, and a member of the Electric Boat Association, in recent years he has been applying his nautical skills to river cruising!

Cliff Colborne

Cliff Colborne

retiring Waterspace Manager

After 8 years in post Cliff has passed his depth gauge and theodolite to a new pair of hands, whilst generously making himself available in an advisory capacity should the need arise. Thanks for all you have done for the Trad over the years Cliff!

Sir Steve Redgrave OBE

Sir Steve Redgrave OBE


We are honoured to have Sir Steve Redgrave, himself an owner of a beautiful, classic slipper launch, as Patron of the Thames Traditional Boat Festival

John Skuse

John Skuse


John has been a long standing member of the previous committee responsible for the earlier incarnation of the event - the Thames Traditional Boat Rally. He also serves as the Middle Thames Branch Chairman of the River Thames Society.

Sue Harris

Sue Harris

Bookings Manager & Admin

Sue is responsible for the logistically challenging task of managing boat bookings and ensuring that entrants receive the appropriate confirmation, boat numbers, wristbands and more. While this would be is a substantial undertaking for a small team, she confidently manages this key role single-handedly.

Sue has now taken on the Admin tasks associated with TTBF, and the Festival's Facebook page.

Jan Stanton

Jan Stanton


Although not officially a member of the Committee, Jan has played a key role from the Commentary Tent since 2016 as the "Voice of the Trad". Aided and abetted by husband Mike, Jan's depth of knowledge, charm and easy informative style give the Trad's Festival weekend its familiar congenial atmosphere.

Adam Toop

Adam Toop

Co Chair & Chief Judge

Adam has served as a Judge for many years and Chief Judge since 2016. He was persuaded to become Co-Chairman in 2017. Unlike his counterpart, he has a deep and broad knowledge of classic boats and understands the judging process from all perspectives. Prior to becoming a Judge, he won ‘Best in Show’ on no less than three occasions, with different boats from his collection.

Adam works closely with the leading names in boat restoration and associated trades to provide a panel of Judges with an unrivalled level of experience in their respective fields.

Peter Harris

Peter Harris


Peter has had a lifelong passion for vintage cars and has been a member of the VSCC since 1967. He was Membership Secretary of the Brooklands Society in the mid 1970s. Boating is a recent addition with the purchase in 2009 of Perrapin, a Broom Commander, which until 2021 he owned jointly with Sue.

Peter has been hugely generous with his time having variously created and looked after our websites, developed and streamlined our online booking processes, digitized the site plans, organised the campsite and acted as Company Secretary and general administrator as required.

Lyndon Yorke

Lyndon Yorke

Vehicles and Planes

Lyndon is a genius, eccentric inventor and ‘amphibian’. He organises the vintage and classic cars, military encampment, air displays and - his real passion - the amphibious vehicles.

Nicola Atherton

Nicola Atherton

Trade and Exhibitor Bookings Manager

Andrea has taken over the organising and collating of trade bookings, and dealing with all exhibitor enquiries. Together with husband Alex, they will be familiar to many in the boating world as the co founders of Classic Yacht Management.

© 2024 TTBR (Ltd)  reg: 4586182. 19 Priory Way, Datchet, Berkshire, SL3 9JQ

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