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Our Chief Judge, Adam Toop, works closely with the leading names in boat restoration and associated trades to provide

a distinguished panel of Judges that offer an unrivalled level of experience in their respective fields.


  • Boat entrants are invited to compete for any of the Trophies listed, according to the criteria set out below.

  • Craft competing for Trophies must be: Festival entries; afloat; and at their allotted moorings. 

  • Judges will make their tour of inspection on Saturday so please be on hand to allow them on board.

  • Rosettes, to be attached to your boat, will be awarded - Gold for Trophy Winners, Blue for Runners-Up.

  • Trophies are awarded at the Prize Giving ceremony in The Crooked Billet tent at 5 pm on Sunday.

  • Entry for all Trophies is FREE.

  • Please refer also to the published list on the Boat Entry form.


Cuthbert Trophy.png

Trophy: Cuthbert  Trophy 

Eligibility: All slipper stern launches 

Criteria: Presentation and originality

Trophy: Andrews

Eligibility: All Slipper Stern launches

following the Andrews design pattern,

irrespective of builder


Criteria: Restoration,

Maintenance and Presentation

Trophy: Bates Wheel

Eligibility: All craft built at Bates Yard, Chertsey pre or post WW2

Criteria: Restoration, Maintenance

and Presentation

Trophy: Chaplin

Eligibility: Unpowered craft

CriteriaRestoration and Presentation

Trophy: Piston (formerly Dean Marine)

Eligibility: Cruisers and Launches

Criteria: Installation and

Smooth Running of period internal combustion engine

Trophy: Ellenbrook

Eligibilityex-Working Boats

CriteriaBest presented ex-Working Boat

Trophy: Bill Gardham

EligibilityAll Motor Cruisers

CriteriaRestoration and Presentation

Trophy: Freebody

Eligibility: All craft

Criteria: Best Amateur Restoration,

fully or partly complete, taking into account effort and enthusiasm

Trophy: Horsham Cleat

EligibilitySteam craft

CriteriaPresentation of Craft

Trophy: Reade Propeller

EligibilitySteam craft

CriteriaRestoration or Maintenance of  Steam Plant

Trophy: Osland

Eligibility: All craft

Criteria: Structural Restoration

Trophy: Stuart Turner

Eligibility: Stuart Turner engined craft

CriteriaInstallation and

Smooth Running

Trophy: Simonds

EligibilityElectrically powered craft

CriteriaSmooth Running and Overall Appearance

Trophy: Thames Heritage Cup

EligibilityAll craft

CriteriaGeneral Traditional Appearance of Boat and Crew with emphasis on Accessories

Trophy: Rosie

Eligibility: Powered craft

Criteria: Best Illuminated Craft

Trophy: Aqualight

EligibilityUn-powered craft

CriteriaBest Illuminated Craft

William Rose Trophy.jpg
The Sir William McAlpine Trophy - Edd China (2).jpg

Trophy: Fred & Sheila Bourne

EligibilityAll winning entries in the above classes

CriteriaBest Boat in Show

Entry for this prestigious trophy is automatically conferred by virtue of being a Trophy winner.

Trophy: The William Rose

EligibilityAll entered craft

CriteriaElegance under way.

Presented by Penny,

in memory of her late husband


Trophy: The Sir William McAlpine

EligibilityOpen to all

CriteriaEntirely at the whim of Judy, the Hon Lady McAlpine.

Here being presented to Edd China

William Rose Trophy 2.jpg
The Sir William McAlpine Trophy - Edd China.jpg

Trophy: Eccentric Trophy

EligibilityAny craft afloat

CriteriaMost extravagantly eccentric and innovative craft on show

© 2024 TTBR (Ltd)  reg: 4586182. 19 Priory Way, Datchet, Berkshire, SL3 9JQ

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