Enter your Historic vehicle for Trad 2023
Veteran, Vintage, post Vintage and Classic,
amphibious or military vehicles - book here
Vintage and Classic Vehicle

Vintage & Classic Vehicles
Veteran, Vintage or Classic cars and motorbikes, constructed or first registered before 31st December 1985 are welcome at the Festival. The entry fee of £20, covering vehicle entry, driver and one passenger for the 3 days of the Festival, is only available in advance using this form.
At the Committee's discretion certain vehicles considered to be of very Special Interest produced after 1985 may be accepted, by arrangement in advance. A proper case must be made for the significance of the vehicle concerned. This should include, where applicable, ownership history, pedigree, racing history, and/or contribution to automotive design and technology.
PLEASE NOTE: Advance bookings will close at midnight on Saturday 12th July. Vintage and Classic cars will always be welcome on the day space permitting, but at the daily rate of £20 which covers car and driver only.
Additional passengers must purchase their own tickets either on the gate or online.
For any vehicle queries please email -

Military & Amphibious
For large exhibits, and other vehicle queries please email -
Military and Amphibious
Owners of military and amphibious vehicles are again invited to display their vehicles at the Trad Boat Festival. Vehicle entrants, will receive passes for the driver and one passenger for the 3 days of the Festival. Additional passes at concession rates are only available in advance using this form.
However you are welcome to take pot luck on the day!
All passengers must be in possession of a valid pass and will be expected to show them.
Please, please note: Last year we enforced basic H&S requirements regarding moving vehicles at public events and some vehicle owners got annoyed. These are not OUR rules: but breach of them could see the event closed.
Please obey the simple rule that your vehicle is in position on the site half an hour before the event opens to the public and understand that, unless you are an amphibian, you are stuck there until, at the earliest, 5.00 p.m.
This said: we are not robots. Amphibians will have an allotted area from which they can access the launch ramp: ergo: they HAVE to be driven! But only in a defined space.
Obviously a lot of vintage vehicles won’t get here by 9.30 a.m... so we will place early birds on the Lower Meadow (the high bit) first and late-comers can slide onto the Upper Meadow: the low bit.
Once in position: the rule applies. NO sneaking off at 3.00 p.m. as you will not be allowed off the grass.
Please ensure you have read and understand this.

There will be a temporary slipway installed at the south end of the meadow suitable for lighter craft & some but not all launch trailers. This slipway has a weight limit of 4 tons. It is privately owned and not the property of TTBF.
Usage of this slipway is entirely at the discretion of the slipway owner and at the risk of those using it. The TTBF cannot be held responsible for any mishaps resulting from use of this slipway. Safety on the slipway is the responsibility of the owners of craft using it.
NOTE – the slipway will be installed on Thursday 18th pm and removed on Monday 22nd am..
There is also a public concrete slipway in Henley town at the bottom of New Street but please be aware of restricted manoeuvring space.
For larger or heavier craft – we recommend either Val Wyatt’s of Wargrave, or the public slipway near the Flower Pot pub in Aston. Both these are up/down-stream 1 lock away.